Wednesday, June 29, 2011

BMW 328 Hommage Concept 2011

Car Name: BMW 328 Hommage Concept
Brand Namae: BMW

TopClass View

BMW Group is paying tribute to the BMW 328 on the occasion of its 75th anniversary with a special model, the BMW 328 Hommage. The Hommage concept is based on the BMW 328 which is considered the most successful and best-looking sports car of the 1930s.

In order to translate the idea of lightweight construction of the 1930s BMW 328 into this day and age, major parts of the exterior and interior of the 328 Hommage are made of carbon fibre reinforced plastic (CFRP). CFRP is now considered to offer the best ratio between weight and stability. The high-strength fibre fabric is lighter than aluminium, but also more stable.

The expressive exterior design of the BMW 328 Hommage depicts the modern interpretation of a highly emotional and dynamic two-seater Roadster – just like the BMW 328 75 years ago. Like the first BMW 328 test vehicles, with which the model celebrated its triumphant debut on the racetrack in 1938, the 328 Hommage has no doors.

Not only do the exterior and interior CFRP elements of the BMW 328 make an exceptional statement. The up-to-date implementation of the original vehicle character is also expressed in the choice of other materials used on the inside and outside of the vehicle. Fine leather, matt and high-gloss black polished aluminium as well as the CFRP interior visualise in the BMW 328 Hommage the pure and functional roadster character of the sports car of that day.

The 328 Hommage is also fitted with further features taken from motor racing. In addition to being equipped with just the bare essentials in order to save weight, the BMW 328 Hommage is also fitted with modern 4-point seat belts, ergonomic seats and the “bone”, a kind of emergency switch-off for the vehicle electronics, which is located between the two seats.

 Backside View

Side View

Interior Staring View

 Rim View

Interior Front View

Front Straight View

Back Straight View

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